The seven deadly sins not to commit at a Public Inquiry

Been called to a public inquiry before the Traffic Commissioner, don’t fall foul of these mistakes:-

  1. Failing to take the matter seriously. You may have heard horror stories or that someone else appeared before the Commissioner and “it was a piece of cake”. Don’t be lulled into a false sense of security. The Traffic Commissioner considers each public inquiry on its individual merits. It is your livelihood which is a stake.
  2. Failing to attend. You might think that you no longer need an operator’s licence and so won’t bother to attend. However, peoples’ circumstance and plans change. In a few years time, you may wish to be involved in a company that needs an operator’s licence. If you have a previous history of having had a licence revoked, you will find it at lot harder to obtain a new one.
  3. Failing to submit evidence of finance. You will be asked to provide evidence that you have access to a certain level of finance. It is only fair on the administrative staff that they are given sufficient time to analyse the evidence before the public inquiry. If you hold a standard licence then the Traffic Commissioner is bound by European regulations on the amount of finance that is needed. If you fail to provide satisfactory evidence, you risk having the licence revoked.
  4. Failing to prepare. The Upper Tribunal has made it quite clear that except in exceptional circumstances, they will not accept evidence which was not presented at the public inquiry. You only have one chance, so prepare thoroughly.
  5. Failing to bring documents. You will be asked to bring with you certain documents, make sure you bring them. If the public inquiry is to consider your application for an operator’s licence, then the onus is on you to prove that you should be granted the licence.
  6. <li>Failing to tell the truth. If the Traffic Commissioner finds otherwise, then your repute or fitness to hold a licence will be in severe danger of being lost.

  7. Failure to take seriously any promises made to the Traffic Commissioner. If you are asked to give an undertaking at a public inquiry, the Traffic Commissioner expects that you will keep to the undertaking. If circumstances change, then let the Traffic Commissioner know. If you fail to keep to the undertaking then you risk being back before the Traffic Commissioner for another public inquiry.

If you have any issues with a public inquiry and would like any help and assistance, then please contact me on 01756 790631

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