Traffic Commissioners issue guidance for applications for operator licences during the Olympics

Proposals have been drawn up to allow for urgent applications to be made to vary an operator licences during the Olympics, in order for businesses to continue to make deliveries during the Olympic Games. Such variations may include specifying a new operator centre which is outside the area of London affected by the Games.

The usual procedure is that an application to vary an operator’s licence must be published in a paper circulating in the vicinity of the operating centre. The advertisement must be of a prescribed format and there is a 21 day window within which the advertisement must be published. Similar procedures must normally be followed if an operator wishes to increase the number of vehicles authorised on the operator’s licence.

The proposals are that if a Traffic Commissioner is satisfied that the application is connected to the Olympics and that there would not normally be sufficient time for the Traffic Commissioner to make a decision on the application, then the Traffic Commissioner may give a direction that the normal requirements regarding publishing an advertisement and the requirement for the Traffic Commissioner to publish the application, need not apply. The proposals also include allowing the Traffic Commissioner to call a public inquiry at short notice.

However, Traffic Commissioners still expect that businesses should plan well in advance for any disruption caused by the Games and make an application using the normal procedure. The proposals to allow for an application to vary an operator’s licence to be granted without the need for an advertisement, should only be used in exceptional circumstances where something happens beyond the business’ control. Any operator making an urgent application will have to justify to the Traffic Commissioner why the usual procedure could not have been followed.

Should you need any advice regarding making an application for either a new licence or a variation, then please contact me on 01756 790631.

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